The role of Science Laboratory in MTs Negeri Legok
By Wijiyono
Laboratory is a place where
experiments and investigations conducted. In a narrow sense is defined as
a sring laboratory in the form of buildings bounded by walls and roof in which
there were a number of tools and lab materials. In the biology laboratory
learning can be either open or outdoor space such as botanical
gardens. But in this paper are only limited laboratory management in the
laboratory of an enclosed space that is in high school and above. Science
education in laboratory activities are an integral part of learning activities.
This is shows how important the role of laboratory activities to achieve the
goals of science education. According Rustaman (1995) suggested four
reasons for the importance of lab science. First, raising motivation to
learn in the lab. Student learning is influenced by the motivated students
who are motivated to learn very hard in learning.Through laboratory activities,
This principle will support lab activities where students will find
knowledge through the exploration of nature. Second, the lab developed the
basic skills of conducting experiments. Experiment is a lot of activities
that carried out by scientists. This experiment required some basic skills
such as observing, estimating, measuring, and manipulating biological
equipment. With activities practikum students are trained to develop the
basic skills of conducting experiments to practice their skills in observing
carefully, measure accurately with a simple measuring tools or more
sophisticated, use and handle tools safely, designing, conducting and
interpreting experiments. Third, the practice becomes a vehicle for
learning the scientific approach.Many experts believe that science education is
the best way to learn the scientific approach is to make students as
scientis. Some education experts have different views on practical
activities, thus giving birth to some of the practical methods and models, such
as: an inductive model of practice, verification, inkuari. In this
activity, students practice according to this view as a scientist who is
conducting the experiment, they are required to formulate problems, designing
experiments, assembling equipment, take measurements carefully, interpret the
data acquisition, as well as communicate via a report to be made. Fourth,
lab support the subject matter. These activities can be concluded that the
practice can support students in the understand
of subjectmatter.
Reality on the school indicate that, once encountered many problems in the laboratory: Sains planning practical activities is not accordance with the existing curriculum, Science lab utilization is not maximized, Types of tools and materials supporting the implementation of practical activities have not been adequately, Practicum preparation is less, The officer has been no specific laboratory, Educational background is not in accordance with the laboratory work, Administrative science lab is not in accordance with the existing curriculum, Students perceptions of the ability of teachers to implement science lab, Principal policy support to the implementation of practicum less, Parental support for the implementation of the practicum is less, Lack of tools and materials available in laboratory.
Reality on the school indicate that, once encountered many problems in the laboratory: Sains planning practical activities is not accordance with the existing curriculum, Science lab utilization is not maximized, Types of tools and materials supporting the implementation of practical activities have not been adequately, Practicum preparation is less, The officer has been no specific laboratory, Educational background is not in accordance with the laboratory work, Administrative science lab is not in accordance with the existing curriculum, Students perceptions of the ability of teachers to implement science lab, Principal policy support to the implementation of practicum less, Parental support for the implementation of the practicum is less, Lack of tools and materials available in laboratory.
Role of the Laboratory in Science Learning.
According to the dictionary, means a place to conduct laboratory experiments (investigations, and so everything that related with physics, chemistry and biology. Meanwhile, according depdiknas (2006) laboratory school is a place or institution where students learn and experiment (investigation) and so on are related to physics and other science education activities. Laboratory is an integral part of teaching and learning activities. This shows how important the role of laboratory activities to achieve oals science education. Rustaman (1995) suggested four reasons for the importance of science lab activities: Practicum of motivational learning sains.Student learning is influenced by motivation. Students are motivated to learn to be serious about learning something. Through laboratory activities, students are given the opportunity to meet the thrust of curiosity and want to be. This principle will support lab activities in which students discover knowledge through the exploration of nature, Develop basic skills lab experiment
Activity is an activity that many experiments conducted by scientists. Experiment process is required some basic skills such as observing, estimating, measuring, and manipulating laboratory equipment. Practical activities to train students to develop the ability to experiment with practice their skills in observing carefully, measure accurately with a simple measuring tools or more sophisticated, use and handle tools safely, designing, conducting and interpreting experiments, Practice to be methods for learning process of sains. Science education experts believe that the best way to learn the scientific approach is to make students as scientis. Learning science should be taken of scientific inquiry to develop the ability to think, work and communicate scientific as well as being an important aspect of life skills. Therefore, learning science in MTs Legok emphasizes providing direct learning experience through the development of process skills and scientific attitudes (Depdiknas, 2006). Practical support the subject matter Practicum provides an opportunity for students to find a theory, and prove the theory. Besides lab work in science learning can form the illustrations for the concepts and principles of IPA. These activities can be concluded that the practice can support students' understanding of subject matter.
Management is a process of utilization of resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the expected goals are optimal with respect to the sustainability of resource functions. Management should be carried out related to the elements or functions of managers, namely planning, organizing, giving the command, ordination, and control. In the management of the laboratory consist of several aspects : Plan, Structuring, Administrating,Security,maintenance,and supervision. Strategy ofLaboratoryDevelopment: a. Required knowledge development through courses or training labs, b. Discussion of the laboratory exercises should be explicit, c. Data analysis and results of laboratory activities are discussed after the completion of activity, d. It takes planning and organization of laboratory activities, e. The use of the materials used for the demonstration of the surrounding environment.
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