Education basic of environment is something that interesting and unique

Education basic of environment is something that interesting and unique
Pendidikan berbasic lingkungan merupakan suatu model yang harus dikembangkan di indoensia. Pendidikan ini menitik beratkan pada pembelajaran alam, dimana siswanya dilatih untuk memahami alam, mencintai alam dan membangun alam. Pendidikan semacam ini udah banyak berkembang di luar negeri. Siswa belajar dalam suasana tenang tentram dan alam mendukung itu. Gedung sekolahnyapun di bangun di tengah-tengah rimbunan pohon yang indah dan nyaman. Wah….. Pendidikan semacam ini betul- betul menyenangkan. Siswa dapat belajar dengan penuh kemauan , tanpa tekanan dan keterpaksaan dan didukung oleh lingkungan alam yang nyaman. Seperti sekolah dasar di Turky(Cumhuriyet Local Boarding (Primary) School", located in Azdavay, district of the
Saya merasa tersentuh, manakala kawan saya (Goksel YILMAZ)
This is information from him
This district known to be one of the best preserved areas with natural beauties, animal habitats, you can have a look at web sites with real photos of Azdavay, such as :
There you can see waterfalls, natural beauties, forests which are very close to our school.
ILICA Waterfall :
Valla Canyonu is the second biggest canyon on the world
Valla Canyon activities
Ilgarini cave is the fourth biggest cave on the world.
Azdavay peoples have got Local clothes, they wear interesting clothes.http://www.azdavay.
With nearly 3000 inhabitants, Azdavay is among the districts in the World, with the highest rate of oxygen percentage in the air.
Our school, with 20 teachers, has nearly 300 pupils, 180 of them are staying in our pensions (their families are from the villages).http://www.
I would really appreciate, if you answer my e-mail .
Thanks in advance for your reply, i hope we can cooperate in a Comenius project, which would be a great opportunity for both schools to meet with different people with different cultural background.
Thanks, Hope me, this information is useful
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