Learning of Environment

LEARNING OF ENVIRONMENT In order to learn something, we don't have to use books all the time. Of course books can give us information, but there is another way to learn something by stimulating our senses WITH AROUND EVIRONMENT.while ourchild is walked out for observe something in environment. My child will ask to me about new something., then we will respon and answer of quation will be saved in the brains.Our brain needs stimulation from all of our senses, from our eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose. So, by touching something, it will give information to the brain and the brain will receive that information and keep it in the data base. The more we stimulate our brain through our senses, the more information we get! So basically, we can learn from everything around us. My little Giovan likes to play in the garden and he ask me about plant , colour whether it is touch the plant. Sometime he finds yellow leaves and he ask why leave is yellow ? while he is happy ...